Steem is free, it always will be free, you shouldn't feel like you have to pay a penny/cent
to use it. It's not shareware or giftware or postcardware, it's freeware, full-stop,
you don't have to do anything to entitle you to use it. However it does take a lot of
time and effort to write, so if you like the program and want to show your appreciation
you can send us an e-mail to say you like it, and mentioning anything you would like
improved. If you want to do even more then you can make a donation towards Steem's
By donating you will be encouraging us to continue to use our time to
improve the program, plus you gain the wonderful feeling of helping unemployed computer
programmers buy beer and chocolate to get slightly fatter.
There is something that can be achieved by donating, and I want to make this perfectly clear,
WE ARE TOTALLY OPEN TO BRIBERY. If there is something you would really like in
Steem then you might find it magically appear after you suggest it when making a donation.
Please note: This is not a guarantee, just a generalisation of how our greedy little minds work.
So anyway, donations are made through PayPal.
If you have already used PayPal then you can just go
to the site and make a payment to
in the usual way. If not then select the
currency you would like to donate in below and click the button. You will have to create
a PayPal account for yourself, PayPal is used by millions of people every day and is the
safest way to transfer money over the internet. Please do not donate less than 1
dollar/euro/pound, if you do then more of the donation will go to PayPal in fees than
to us.
When filling in the amount make sure you include two decimal places or none at all,
for instance 2.00 or 2, not 2., 2.0 or 2.0000.
In some countries you may have to complete the account opening process before you can
make a donation. This involves a small charge ($1.50) being made to your credit/debit card
that then is refunded when you complete the verification of your credit/debit card.
Eternal thanks to anyone who donates, you are ensuring the development of Steem to
continue for years to come.