You can contact us (the authors of Steem) via email; we love to get feedback and suggestions.
If you have a query which
other users can also help with, it is probably better to submit it to one
of the public internet forums, for example Atari
Forum's Steem forum or Little Green Desktop's
ST emulators forum. That way you will probably get a quicker response from a wider audience.
We also read these forums regularly.
If you have a problem with Steem, make sure you check the FAQ
and beginners' guide before you contact us. The answer
may well be there.
If you do want to email us personally, bear in mind that we receive large amounts of
spam and viruses on our public email address. To make sure your email is not filtered
out or deleted before it gets to us, you should give it a descriptive subject. Do
not leave the subject line blank, or mention Viagra. Also, please don't send attachments
over 200Kb. If you have a large file you want to send us, tell us first and we'll
give you a different address to send it to.
Our email address is